Jan 11, 2024

Keeping your Volkswagen in tip-top condition means more than just fixing the car when there’s a problem. Preventative maintenance carried out by a VW dealership is an essential part of keeping your car on the road and running well. It may be tempting to skip the maintenance, but it could prove to be a costly mistake. Here are some of the reasons why preventative VW maintenance is so important.

Why Is Preventative Maintenance So Essential?

Helps Your Car Run for Longer

The trick to vehicle longevity is picking up any issues as early as possible. This stops any small problems from spiraling and causing more damage to your car. Taking a preventative approach to maintenance ensures any issues are identified early, before they have time to cause long-term problems that could affect the life-span of your Volkswagen.

Keeps You Safe

Car maintenance isn’t just about keeping the car running: the checks can also ensure you are safe. Worn out brakes or ineffective windscreen wipers can lead to serious crashes, while engine fires can be caused by leaky seals, drips, or dirt in the engine. All of these problems, and many more, can be identified during routine maintenance checks, preventing potentially catastrophic consequences.

Reduces the Cost of Any Repairs

No one likes a hefty garage bill, but being proactive can help to avoid expensive repairs. Routine maintenance can pick up any problems before they have a chance to develop. This means they are often much cheaper and quicker to fix, saving you from the pain of major repairs.

Makes Your VW More Economical to Run

Volkswagens have a reputation for being reliable, high-quality cars, but like any vehicle, they still need a little TLC to remain in prime condition. There are many things which can affect fuel efficiency, such as worn tires, dirty spark plugs, and inefficient air conditioning. Giving components a clean and replacing any necessary parts will make your car run more smoothly, and reduce the cost.

Should I Use a VW Dealership for Maintenance?

You might find many garages and mobile mechanics offering to carry out maintenance and servicing, but it’s always preferable to use a Volkswagen dealership. This is because dealers are experts in Volkswagen cars and will have specialist knowledge about any particular quirks or common faults. You will also have the reassurance of knowing that any replacement parts will be original and high-quality, rather than generic components of unknown origin. All of this means that your Volkswagen will have the best chance of performing at optimum levels between services.

If your VW hasn’t had any checks or maintenance performed for some time, head down to us here at Tom Bush Volkswagen in Jacksonville, FL where we’d be happy to help.